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Catholic’s Key Club Supports the Walk & Roll Fundraiser & a Classmate

On Saturday, October 4, the Montgomery Catholic Key Club helped with the Spina Bifida Walk and Roll Fundraiser held at the Montgomery Zoo.  The Key Club especially wanted to help with their classmate Ricky Treloar’s team called Rockin’ Ricky. Ricky, an eighth grade student at Montgomery Catholic was born with Spina Bifida. His team was able to raise $900 of the $25,000 raised that day.  This money supports children with Spina Bifida and their families throughout the year through education, workshops, meetings, and camps.  

The Key Club helped by passing out Nancy’s Italian Ice and helping the children with crafts and face painting.  Pictured is Ricky’s family; Amy Treloar, Teresa Treloar, Ricky Treloar, Greg Treloar, with Ashlyn Jennings, Paul and Cindy Durden, Emily and Matt Taunton, Celes Hand and Montgomery Catholic Key Club members Lindsey Guin, Aimee Azar, Samantha Zanglin, Taylor Lyn, Reggie Jackson, Maria Celli, Ledariane Moore, Eric Crenshaw, and Daniel Reeves.  

Catholic's Key Club Supports the Walk & Roll Fundraiser & a Classmate 1

The Montgomery Catholic Key Club is sponsored by the Montgomery Kiwanis Club and has 60 members that do over 1000 hours of service each year.  Upcoming projects include the Camp Chandler Halloween Carnival, Zoo Boo, COPE, St Bede Fall Festival, and HALO.  

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