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Catholic Wrestlers Take First & Second at Julian McPhillips Invitational

Catholic Wrestlers Take First & Second at Julian McPhillips Invitational 1
Varsity Wrestlers with Julian McPhillips and Coach Hunter. 

Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School’s Wrestling Team participated in the Julian McPhillips Invitational Wrestling Tournament hosted by St. James School January 9-10. Catholic sophomore Zachary Van Alst took first place in the 122-lb weight class and junior Gabe Keating took second in the 154-lb weight class. The Knights finished eleventh in the tournament, with only six wrestlers participating. The Knights are coached by Coy Hunter. Congratulations Knights!

Catholic Wrestlers Take First & Second at Julian McPhillips Invitational 2
Van Alst’s Championship match win.

Catholic Wrestlers Take First & Second at Julian McPhillips Invitational 3
Keating receives his second place medal from Julian McPhillips.

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