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Montgomery Catholic Blog

Montgomery Catholic students Mally Barranco and Emma Garrison each won first place in their age group in the Alabama Wildlife Federation’s 2014 William R. Ireland,...
“Even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve. And to give His life as a ransom for...
Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School held a signing ceremony for senior Anthony Thomas inside the Library on the Montgomery Catholic high school campus at...
The Loretto Chapter of the National Honor Society at Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School inducted twenty-two new members into their society during an...
In addition to the weekly school Mass, student’s at the St. Bede campus have added a weekly fast (no popcorn Friday’s), weekly...
Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School junior Ann Faulkner has been invited to attend the Summer Science Institute (S.S.I) at Auburn University this June.  The...


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