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Belsterling and Vercelli named on all state team!

Belsterling and Vercelli named on all state team! 1
Belsterling and Vercelli named on all state team!
Originally uploaded by fnwchs.

Congratulations to Alison Belsterling, shown above, who made first team all-state in soccer and all metro, and Lauren Vercelli, who was named first team all state in softball and all metro.

Also gaining recognition are: Dwight Hause, all metro in baseball and honorable mention, all state; Amanda Beeseley, all metro softball and honorable mention, all state; Kristin Lushington, all metro in soccer, and honorable mention, all state; Anna Vercelli, all metro, soccer; Abby Beesley, all metro in softball; Jennifer Tudor, all metro honorable mention in softball; Colin Newmeyer, all metro honorable mention in soccer. Lee Wright and Bob Weber, honorable mention, all metro in baseball.

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