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Anna and Harold Paige Scholarship Awarded to Two MCPS Students

Anna and Harold Paige Scholarship Awarded to Two MCPS Students 1Anna and Harold Paige Scholarship Awarded to Two MCPS Students 2Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School awarded a full tuition scholarship to two students in May. The Anna and Harold Paige Scholarship was established in 2013 by a generous donation to Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School by the estate of Anna and Harold Paige; who were faithful members of St. Bede the Venerable Catholic Church.  The Anna and Harold Paige Scholarship is an annual, non-denominational scholarship to be awarded to one Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School High School student and one St. Bede Elementary Campus student. The two students that received this award both demonstrate good moral character and leadership qualities.  The first recipients of the Anna and Harold Paige Scholarship are Blake Johnson a rising sophomore and Angela Gier a rising fifth grade student at  Montgomery Catholic’s St. Bede campus. Blake is the son of Michelle and Bruce Johnson of Prattville, Alabama. Angela is the daughter of Karla and Paul Gier of Montgomery, Alabama. 

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