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Academic Awards Given Recently at Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School

Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School honored their top high school students at the annual Academic Awards Ceremony held in the Dolly Barranco Activity Center, May 5, 2014. 
Many honors were bestowed including the most outstanding student in each subject area.  These students are David Bender, Agnes Armstrong, Tess von Gal and Madeleine O’Mara in English; Jordan Steele, Lisa Hong, Marissa Dogan, Derek Kelly, Guillermo  Ravelo in Math; Katie Slear, Katie McDaniel, Leo Petters and Madeleine O’Mara in Science, Cheyenne Hayes, Nadine Moussalli, Mary Janet McLaughlin and Anne Marie Dean in Social Studies, David Bender, Nadine Moussalli, Mary Janet McLaughlin and James Sherman  in Theology, Mel Koontz in Spanish, Patrick O’Mara in Latin. Beth Vaughan was named most outstanding student in Band and Somlee Baek most outstanding student in Visual Arts. 
The Montgomery Catholic Math Department honored students that participated in the American Mathematics Competition and received the top scores. They are: freshmen Ivy Boch, David Bender and Lisa Hong; sophomore Mel Koontz, junior Leo Petters, senior Guillermo Ravelo.
The Science Department honored students that participated and placed in Science Olympiad in 2014. They are: Kristina Vanella, Guillermo Ravelo, Leo Petters, Patrick O’Mara, Allie Micher, Patrick McGinn, Katie McDaniel, Lisa Hong, Frank Gonzalez, Marissa Dogan, Adam Bristol and David Bender.

The senior members of the Loretto chapter of the National Honor Society (NHS) were recognized during the ceremony, they are
 Madeleine O’Mara (President), Sara Elizabeth Parker (Vice President), Anne Marie Dean (Treasurer), Ashley Barranco (Secretary), Tara Bourke, Coleman Dixon, Mallory Ellis, Brett Foxworth, Andrea Hayes, John Haynes,  Migyn Kim, Samantha Kocan, Daniel LoBello, Alexandra Micher, Anna Mills, Michael Moussalli, Ryan Norris, Guillermo Ravelo, Abigail Rohde, James Sherman, Howard Vaughan and Kirstin Wood.

Montgomery Catholic’s Key Club members accumulated over 2,500 service hours in the Montgomery community this year.  There were twenty-five students who gave over 50 hours of their time during this school year.  They were
 Seniors: Chloe Campbell, Alex Castanza, Brett Foxworth, Rolanda Harrison,
Andrea Hayes, John Haynes, Ryan Hill, Migyn Kim, Daniel LoBello, Ryan Norris, Sydney O’Connor,
Saraelizabeth Parker, James Sherman, Anthony Thomas, Chase Williams. 9th-11th Grade: Millie Capouano, Claire Fischer, Jacob Hulcher, Reggie Jackson, Derek Kelly, Aubrey Lenn, Kaitlyn Martin,
Bryan Rodopoulos, Megan Stembridge, and Jasiele Thornton. The Kiwanis Club recognized Montgomery Catholic’s Key Cub for being the most active club of any of the high schools in the Montgomery Area.
Academic Awards Given Recently at Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School 1
Mr. Chad Barwick, high school principal,
awarded the Montgomery Catholic Leader of the Year
award to Alex Castanza
Students with the highest grade point average for each high school grade level were also recognized.  The most outstanding freshmen, all four with a grade point average of 4.21 are: Ivy Bach, David Bender, Audrey Kim and Jordan Steele.  The most outstanding sophomore is Patrick O’Mara.  The most outstanding junior is Leo Petters.  The most outstanding senior and the Valedictorian for the class of 2014 is Madeleine O’Mara with a 4.35 GPA. 

Honor roll certificates for both the A and A/B honor rolls were given to those students who attained A or A/B honor roll throughout the school year for each grade level.  The Joe Arban Perfect Attendance Award was given to Blake Johnson, Stan Magdon, Antwan Parker and Ashley Sulzby  for their perfect attendance this year.
Academic Awards Given Recently at Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School 2
Mrs. Anne Ceasar, president, awarded
the Montgomery Catholic Ideal Graduate Award
to James Sherman.

The evening culminated with two of the highest awards given at Montgomery Catholic: Leader of the Year and the Ideal Graduate.  Mr. Chad Barwick, high school principal, awarded the Montgomery Catholic Leader of the Year award to Alex Castanza.  Alex has served the school in numerous leadership positions in school, his parish and in the community. 

Mrs. Anne Ceasar, president, awarded the Montgomery Catholic Ideal Graduate Award to the student who embodies the overall qualities and talents of an ideal graduate.  This year James Sherman was named as the Ideal Graduate at Montgomery Catholic.  

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