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Montgomery Catholic Crowns 2005 Homecoming Court

Montgomery Catholic Crowns 2005 Homecoming Court 1

Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School crowned their Homecoming Queen and King during the half-time festivities on Friday, September 30th. Homecoming week was filled with spirited theme days and evening activities which kept the enthusiasm strong through the weekend. The 2005 Homecoming Court is Freshmen Attendant Carrie Tucker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Tucker, escorted by John L. Dugan, II, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Dugan. Sophomore Attendant is Colleen Hamilton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hamilton, escorted by Hiroshi Yamaguchi, son of Lt. Col. and Mrs. Hiroshi Yamaguchi. Junior Attendant is Rachel Forsyth, daughter of Col. and Mrs. James Forsyth, escorted by Nick Jett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Terry Jett. Senior Attendant is Lauren Bodden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bodden, escorted by Thomas Lucas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lucas. Senior Attendant is Mary Barranco, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Barranco, escorted by Kyle Bois, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bois. Senior Attendant Molly Slauson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Slauson, escorted by Peter Ceponis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Ceponis. The 2005 Homecoming Queen is Mary Kimbrough, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Kimbrough, escorted by the 2005 Homecoming King Brad Cary, son of Dr. and Mrs. Hank Dahlene and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cary. The 2004 Homecoming Queen, Lauren Vercelli, crowned the 2005 court during the football game. The Homecoming Dance was held the following night at the St. Bede Family Life Center where the students enjoyed the music of “Standard Candle.”

Montgomery Catholic Crowns 2005 Homecoming Court 2

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