Montgomery Catholic Middle School Makes Generous Donation to COPE
Middle School students at Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School spent Lent collecting donations for COPE. COPE, Counseling Outreach for Pregnancy Emergency, is a non-profit organization in the River Region offering free […]
Montgomery Catholic’s Talbot Receives Grand Recognition through Duke TIP Program
Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School proudly announces five middle school students who have earned State Recognition for their ACT scores by the Duke Talent Identification Program, one of which, received Grand […]
Montgomery Catholic Finishes in Top Ten at State Science Olympiad
Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School’s (MCPS) High School and Middle School Science Olympiad Teams competed in the State Science Olympiad competition on April 12 at Huntingdon College in Montgomery. The team […]
Montgomery Catholic’s David Fulton Receives Eagle Scout Rank
Montgomery Catholic Senior David Fulton received his Eagle Scout Award from Troop 416 on Saturday, April 12, 2014 at Frazier Methodist Church. Fulton has been active in scouting his whole […]
Two Montgomery Catholic Students Win First in AWF Art Contest
Montgomery Catholic students Mally Barranco and Emma Garrison each won first place in their age group in the Alabama Wildlife Federation’s 2014 William R. Ireland, Sr. Wildlife Youth Art Contest. The students pictured […]
Montgomery Catholic Students Give Back to the Community During Annual Lenten Day of Service
“Even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve. And to give His life as a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:28. Serving others in our community […]