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18 New Members Inducted to National Honor Society at Montgomery Catholic

The Loretto Chapter of the National Honor Society at Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School inducted 18 new members into their society during an Induction Ceremony Monday, April 25, 2016 at Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School’s Dolly Barranco Activity Center.

The National Honor Society (NHS), established in 1921, is a national recognition program for students who show achievement in scholarship, leadership, service, and character. High School students are selected for membership through an application process and are selected by the faculty council. Candidates must meet the chapter’s requirement for scholarship, service, leadership and character in order to be selected for membership. Continued participation in service projects and upholding the ideals of the school are required to retain membership. Members must also maintain the chapter’s required cumulative grade point average.

A reception hosted by the 2016 National Honor Society senior members was given for the new members and their families immediately following the ceremony.

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The newly inducted members of the Loretto Chapter of the National Honor Society at Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School are (pictured front row) Riley Aaron, Skye Alexander, Ivy Bach, David Bender, Adam Bristol, Michaelyn Foster, Francisco Gonzalez-Asaldi, Nicolas Homsher, Devin Kelly, Audrey Kim, Kevin Leahy, Kayanna McKenzie, Julia Rodriguez, James Sadie, Lauren Smith, Nathan Smith, Zachary Van Alst, and Hugh Walker.

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The NHS Senior members that received their stoles were: Cole Archer, Agnes Armstrong, Emily Barranco, Kathleen Beesley, Michael Collins, Marissa Dogan, Eryka Ellington, Claire Fischer, Abaigeal Gilbert, Jonathan Green, Lacy Herbek, Blake Johnson, Gabriel Keating, Mel Koontz, Emily Lafreniere, Morgan Micher, Nadine Moussalli, Patrick O’Mara, Madison Searcy, Megan Stembridge, and Logan Stevens.

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