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15th Annual Mardi Gras Prayer Breakfast Hosted By Montgomery Catholic’s Class of 2016

15th Annual Mardi Gras Prayer Breakfast Hosted By Montgomery Catholic's Class of 2016 1

15th Annual Mardi Gras Prayer Breakfast Hosted By Montgomery Catholic's Class of 2016 215th Annual Mardi Gras Prayer Breakfast Hosted By Montgomery Catholic's Class of 2016 3Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School’s junior class hosted the annual Mardi Gras Prayer Breakfast for the entire high school student body and many special guests on Fat Tuesday, February 17, 2015.  The day began in the wee hours of the morning with members of the junior class transforming the Dolly Barranco Activity Center into a Mardi Gras themed restaurant while cooking and serving a delicious pancake breakfast for nearly 400 guests.  Kathleen Beesley, Junior Class Vice-President welcomed guests. Abaigeal Gilbert, Junior Class Secretary invited guests to write down their Lenten promises which will hang in the main hall of the High School. She invited guests to stop and read the promises throughout Lent and say a prayer for those who made them. Father Patrick Arensberg from St. Bede the Venerable Catholic Church opened with prayer.  

15th Annual Mardi Gras Prayer Breakfast Hosted By Montgomery Catholic's Class of 2016 4
Mr. John Keating, keynote speaker at the Montgomery Catholic, 15th Annual Mardi Gras Prayer Breakfast. 

Patrick O’Mara, Junior Class President introduced the speaker for the event. This year Mr. John Keating, a dedicated Montgomery Catholic parent, volunteer and substitute teacher was the keynote speaker. He is the father of two Montgomery Catholic Alumni and current junior student Gabe Keating and husband of fourth grade Montgomery Catholic teacher Melynda Keating.  Junior Class Treasurer Nadine Moussalli gave closing remarks thanking all of the Prayer Breakfast sponsors, including: Anne Ceasar, MCPS President; Chad Barwick, MCPS Principal, Madonna Kimbrough, High School Administrative Assistant; Kerri Moore, MCPS Junior Class Sponsor; Ben Cecil and Abby Beesley, MCPS teachers; Chappy’s Deli; Christine Burton; Craig Sherman, MCPS Cafeteria Manager; Alex Johnson, MCPS Band Director and the MCPS Jazz Combo; and the Junior Class parents.  Father Linn Harbour from Holy Family Catholic Community at Maxwell AFB offered the Benediction to end the event. 

This is the fifteenth year the junior class at Montgomery Catholic has hosted the Prayer Breakfast as a class retreat and service project for the school.  

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