¿Cuál de los padres es militar?
Háblenos de su familia.
We have 2 boys, Logan (8th) and Austin (6th); we moved to Montgomery this summer after two years at a NATO assignment in Sicily, Italy. This is our second assignment in Montgomery–the boys were here for 3rd and 1st grades respectively (1 year only). It is wonderful to come back where you know the roads, the good restaurants, and have friends ready to catch you as emergency contacts! Overall, we have 9 military moves, including 6 with the boys.
¿Cómo conoció Montgomery Catholic?
Good ole google! We didn’t know anyone who had lived in Montgomery the first time we moved here, so we looked for a catholic school closest to where we planned to live.
¿Por qué pensó que Montgomery Catholic era la mejor opción para su familia?
Since the boys started Kindergarten in North Dakota, we wanted to provide as much consistency in education/schools that we were able to. For our family, catholic schools have provided that foundation at all assignments except the last one.
The family environment at MCPS is amazing! We got back after 4 years away and slipped back into the Montgomery Catholic family in a way we’ve never experienced before. I can’t put into words how wonderful it has been to have our feet under us so quickly after an exceptionally challenging two years overseas during COVID-19 restrictions.
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