10:00am Delayed Start Jueves, Enero 23 Due to Travel Conditions

Matrícula variable y ayuda financiera

Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School da la bienvenida a las familias que necesitan ayuda para considerar los siguientes métodos de reducir el costo de la educación de su estudiante.

Matrícula variable

Variable Tuition (VT) is a sliding scale tuition rate determined by multiple factors of a family’s financial means. Any family, new or current, may apply for VT if they are concerned about affording the full tuition rate at MCPS. MCPS utilizes a third-party, confidential service (Blackbaud Financial Aid Management) to facilitate the VT determination. Factors considered include income, assets, unusual expenses, and the size of the family. 

Proceso para solicitar la matrícula variable:

  1. Families must first apply for re-enrollment or admission to MCPS.
  2. Complete an application for an Education Savings Account through The Choose Act. Verification of the ESA application should be sent to the MCPS business office ([email protected] or [email protected]).
  3. Complete the online Variable Tuition Application from Blackbaud Financial Aid Management
  4. LAS FAMILIAS ACTUALES DEBEN PRESENTAR TODOS LOS FORMULARIOS Y DOCUMENTOS DE APOYO ANTES DEL 1 DE MARZO . Las presentaciones tardías no se revisarán hasta después de que todos los demás solicitantes hayan sido adjudicados y potencialmente podría resultar en la no concesión de la ayuda debido a la falta de fondos.
  6. Families will be sent a notification letter from the Business office once the applications have been reviewed. The letter will contain the Variable Tuition rate offered to your family. Signing your letter and sending it back to the school will secure your rate for the upcoming school year.

    Variable Tuition Blackbaud Financial Aid Management Online Application (https://smartaidforparents.com)

Oportunidades de becas

MCPS offers scholarships to both new and current students. Read more about the various scholarship opportunities at MCPS using the link below.