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MS Football Game vs ACA

Escuela Preparatoria Católica de Montgomery 5350 Vaughn Rd, Montgomery, AL, Estados Unidos

JV partido de fútbol vs ACA

Escuela Preparatoria Católica de Montgomery 5350 Vaughn Rd, Montgomery, AL, Estados Unidos

Pro-Life Club Dress Down Day

The Pro-Life Club is conducting a dress down day for all high school students. The fundraiser will be $5 per person or $10 per household. The proceeds of this fundraiser […]

Reunión de padres de Jostens Senior

Biblioteca 5350 Vaughn Road, Montgomery, AL, Estados Unidos

Reunión informativa con Jostens para explicar qué artículos de graduación se pueden comprar a través de Jostens y lo que ya está previsto en sus honorarios Reunión se llevará a cabo en la Biblioteca


WHO: K3/K4/K5 WHERE: Cornfield County Farm DATE: Octubre 4,2023 TIME: 8:15 am-1:30 pm WEAR: Students should wear MCPS T- shirts, jeans and sneakers. LUNCH: Students should bring a sack lunch […]


SB 2nd Grade field trip Pumpkin Patch

WHO: Mrs. Bell's 2nd grade class WHAT: A field tip to the Pumpkin Patch WHEN: Octubre 5, 2023 WHERE: CCF Pumpkin Patch Student's should wear a MCPS-t-shirt and long blue […]
