
K3, K4 & K5 Pop-In Preview

성령 캠퍼스 8580 본 로드, 몽고메리, AL, 미국

K3, K4, and K5 Pop-In Preview You are invited to visit our campuses, meet our teachers, experience our warm and caring classes and see what BIG school at MCPS is […]

K3, K4 and K5 Pop-In Preview

세인트 베데 캠퍼스 3870 Atlanta Hwy, 몽고메리, AL, 미국

K3, K4, and K5 Pop-In Preview You are invited to visit our campuses, meet our teachers, experience our warm and caring classes and see what BIG school at MCPS is […]

인카운터 - 카스타판 부인

몽고메리 어린이 센터 310 N 매디슨 테라스, 몽고메리, 앨라배마, 미국

Encounter is a service program organized by Lauren Hoyer for our High School Advisory groups. Each week a different Advisory group will attend the Encounter. This week’s Advisory class is Mrs. […]

아동 보호 교육

몽고메리 가톨릭 예비학교 5350 본로드, 몽고메리, AL, 미국

MS Pro-Life Club Event

The Warehouse 130 Commerce Street, Montgomery, AL, United States

The Middle School Pro-Life Club will be leaving campus from 10:45 to 12:30 to support the Life on Wheels fundraising lunch.  They will be serving at the lunch.