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몽고메리 가톨릭 준비 학교에 오신 것을 환영합니다

1873년에 설립되었으며 앨라배마 주에서 공립 이외 K-12 학교를 지속적으로 운영하는 가장 긴 몽고메리 가톨릭 예비 학교는 가톨릭 선교부가 우리를 포괄적 인 입학 과정으로 부르는 지역 K3-12 대학 준비 학교입니다. 148 년 동안, 우리는 모바일의 대교구에서 몽고메리 메트로 지역의 가톨릭 본당을 제공하고있다, 우리는 우리의 프로그램에 적용하는 모든 종교의 학생들을 환영합니다.

Play Video about high school students stand together from Montgomery Catholic with the words Experience the values of a quality christian education above them
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가톨릭에서 비가톨릭 스플리트

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캠퍼스에 대해 자세히 알아보기

몽고메리 가톨릭, 성령, 세인트 베데는 모두 뛰어난 시설이며, 각 세대의 학생들이 지적, 창의적, 신체적 잠재력을 표현하기 위해 학업, 문화 및 스포츠에 몰입하도록 영감을 주는 특별한 캠퍼스를 만듭니다.

세인트 베데
초등학교 캠퍼스

k3 - 6 학년

초등학교 캠퍼스

k3 - 6 학년


7학년 - 8학년


9학년 - 12학년
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Isabelle Cochran

MCPS Alumni

Who is your favorite teacher at Montgomery Catholic?

My favorite teacher (and current friend) is Sinead Turner. She has always been a role model for me and an amazing prayer warrior! Mrs. Turner has provided endless support for all of her students during their time at Montgomery Catholic and beyond. My family and I are grateful to have her and her family in our lives!
The Tarkowski family posing together

The Tarkowski Family

Military Family Spotlight

Why did you feel Montgomery Catholic was the best choice for your family?

When we selected Montgomery Catholic, we were stationed in Europe and unable to travel due to the COVID international travel restrictions so we were nervous but hopeful because of all of the great things that we had heard. Ever since we’ve arrived, we’ve been extremely pleased with the decision we made. The welcoming atmosphere was noticeable immediately. The school is organized and communicates in a timely and comprehensive manner. Our kids have benefited from the high quality of classroom instruction as well as the diversity of extra curricular activities offered by the school.
The Marshall Family posing together on a side street

The Marshall Family

Military Family Spotlight

몽고메리 가톨릭신자에 대해 가장 좋아하는 것은 무엇인가?

The family environment at MCPS is amazing! We got back after 4 years away and slipped back into the Montgomery Catholic family in a way we’ve never experienced before. I can’t put into words how wonderful it has been to have our feet under us so quickly after an exceptionally challenging two years overseas during COVID-19 restrictions.