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Meals to Mission Meal Packing Day

On 화요일, 10월 8 our campuses will be packing 30,000 meals for the hungry in Montgomery (through the Heart of Alabama Food Bank and the YMCA Brown Bag Program) and […]

State of the School

돌리 바란코 센터 5350 본 로드, 몽고메리, AL, 미국

Join us for Montgomery Catholic State of the School Address in the DBC for all MCPS families.

CHOOSE Act Alabama Information Session

돌리 바란코 센터 5350 본 로드, 몽고메리, AL, 미국

Join us for an information session about the CHOOSE Act Alabama on 목요일, 1월 30th at 6:00 pm in the Dolly Barranco Center, located in the heart of the Middle/High […]