On Mayo 15, eleven members of the Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School Key Club helped with the Water Festival held at AUM and sponsored by the Montgomery Water Works and the Alabama Department of Environmental Management. The students assisted in teaching classes in clean water conservation to hundreds of 4th graders from public and private schools all over Montgomery County. The event included three classes on filtration, aquifers, and the water cycle. The day ended with a magic show, which had an environmental theme. This was the final service project of the year for the Key Club whose 50 members served more than 1,200 hours this year.
Fourteen members were honored on awards day with certificates and medallions for reaching the goal of at least 50 hours for the year. Those 14 members are Briana Rudolph, Erin Williams, Chance Williams, Jasmine Ellington, Aleesa Perkins, Katherine Terino, Derek Kelly, Andrea Hayes, Jarrett Mason, Jasmine Rush, Michaela Armstrong, Anna Vail Chancey, Dylan Craig, and Saraelizabeth Parker. They Key Club, sponsored by the Montgomery Kiwanis Club, looks forward to helping with the Water Festival and many other service projects next year. Pictured are Montgomery Catholic Key Club members Spencer Starr and Zach Hulcher teach water filtration to a class of fourth grade students from Blount Elementary.